Everyone knows and ensures that they get an active lifestyle, practicing yoga is one of the best ways to ensure this. Though, one of the problems inherent in practicing such a language is that it might be quite difficult to find time and desire for practicing with some people. The good news is that you don’t have to have a special room for yoga or lots of space to get the benefits of yoga. You can easily do some yoga stretch while watching your favorite program on television. Below are eight easy Television yoga stretches that can be performed in front of the TV to increase the flexibility, decrease tension and boost health more.
1. Seated Cat-Cow
Among all the stretches, it is possible to carry out the Seated Cat-Cow even if you are a couch or chair person. This gentle rocking can also facilitate stretching of the spine and one can also ease tension in the neck, shoulders and back.
Seated Position: Just lean back to the edge of the chair and place your feet on the ground and your hands on your knees.
Inhale: Tilt your hips up, push your rib cage out, and look as far up as you could without straining your neck, that is create the shape of the Cow.
Exhale: Bend your spine to your right side, bring your chin to your chest, and pull your belly button back to go into “Cat” pose.
Repeat: Go back and forth between Cat and Cow poses for another 1 or 2 minutes, make sure to breathe while moving.
2. Neck Stretches
Neck tension is typical, although people commonly experience it when doing more sitting than standing. It is also about time to look at some easy neck stretches that you can perform so as to reduce tension in your neck muscles.
Side Neck Stretch: Sit up tall, and then, effortlessly, turn your head to one side of your neck with your hand while feeling the stretch on the opposite side. Bend your knees and grasp your left shin with your left hand; flex your hips to twist the torso while holding this position for 15 to 20 seconds; and then repeat the holding position with your right side.
Forward and Backward Neck Stretch: Slowly bend your head down to your chest by nodding them forward. Wait for a few seconds and then bringing your head back to the neutral position and slightly backward so that you are looking at the ceiling.
Side-to-Side Neck Stretch: Now tilt your head left to right like a child doing theinese ‘over my shoulder’ motion. Do each movement with good form and tempo and take a couple of seconds pause at each position of the exercise on the side.
3. Seated Forward Bend
This is stretch aims at stretching the hamstrings, the lower back and the shoulders. It is also an excellent means, through which tension can be eased and flexibility attained.
Seated Position: Loosen your pant and belt if any, lean forward placing your feet shoulder width apart on the floor.
Inhale: Stand taller and take your arms up high above your head.
Exhale: Bend from the waist, hinging at the hips, and take your hands towards the feet, stopping just before you touch the toes ideally place your hands on your shin to balance.
Hold: Hold this stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute, take deep breaths and try to clear tension from your neck and shoulders.
4. Istuva Spinal Twist
Twists are very good for the spine and the digestive system. Seated Spinal Twist is just as the name suggests, easy for anyone to do and is an invigorating stretch for the back.
Seated Position: All contact points should be on the chair – sit on the front edge of the seat, back straight and feet resting on the floor.
Inhale: Lengthen your spine.
Exhale: Twist your right to the right direction while keeping your left hand on the outer part of your right thigh and your right hand on your back as you balance yourself. Swivel you head slightly to towards the right.
Hold: If not offending to your spine, twist for 15-30 seconds with deep breathing and then come back to the center and switch sides.
5. Seated Pigeon Pose
The Seated Pigeon Pose is one among the best poses for stretching the hips, glutes and lower back area which occupies most of the sits time.
Seated Position: Sit forward, with your feet placed on the ground and let your hands rest in your lap.
Right Foot: Take your right ankle and cross it over your left knee so that your legs form the four shape.
Inhale: Lengthen your spine.
Exhale: Bend your upper body forward just a little while keeping your back straight until you experience a stretch on the right hip and glute.
Hold: Holding the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute provides enough time and then switch the legs and repeat on the opposite side.
6. During the therapy session the physical activities were Ankle Circles and Point-Flexes.
During sedentary, bottom may sit but the lower limbs should not be left idle. Point flex exercises and ankle circles are effective in increasing blood flow to your feet and ankles and bringing flexibility to them as well.
Ankle Circles: Stand with one foot on the ground while balancing and circle it around its joint 10 times clockwise base and 10 times anti clockwise base. Repeat with the other foot.
Point-Flex: Rotate your feet so that the toe is also pointing towards the front, and then rotate the feet backwards to its shins. Perform pointing and flexing exercises on each foot, do it for 10 cycles each.
7. Standing Forward Bend
Another pose is more intense, it is called Standing Forward Bend. This pose helps to relax while stretching the muscles of the hamstrings, calves and lower back.
Standing Position: Start with opening your legs a little wider than shoulder-width from each other.
Inhale: Raise your arms up above your head while extending through the spine.
Exhale: Hinge at the hips, trying to get your hands to touch the floor, or the shins at the very least.
Hold: Drop your head down and give all your neck and shoulders a rest. Hold that position and breathe for about 30-60 seconds, with your eyes closed.
8. Side Body Stretch
Side stretch is good for the spine, and that helps to expand our rib cage and hence increase our lung capacity. This also helps stretch muscles in the obliques, shoulders and upper back.
Standing or Seated Position: Regardless of your preference either standing or sitting, ensure that your back has a straight alignment.
Inhale: Your right arm should be moved toward the upper middle region of your head.
Exhale: Tilt your torso towards the left direction feeling a pull along the right side of your body.
Hold: Execute the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, then shift to the other side and legs repeating the procedure.
They are not only capable of correcting your body posture and improving mobility in the joints but also assist in the strengthening of the hips and back. Therefore, whether you are enjoying a new season of your series or watching the news, these stretches will ensure that you remain active and cool. Above all, for any discipline in which even yoga is not an exception to the rule, in order to gain its benefits, it has to be performed on a regular basis, so do this routine and see changes in your body, your mind will witness the change too.